Sunday, October 11, 2009

Just keeps gettin' better

So since the last time we talked I've been keeping quite busy. I've gone to the second to last O's game of the season and my first game of the season at that. We played the Toronto Blue Jays and won 6-4, it was a great game and Meg and I sat in great seats at 2110 Eutaw Street. We were also able to see my Brother and his girlfriend Amburly and mom and Marty for the last 2 Innings. We had a great time and it was a great Saturday. Last Sunday I made it up to First Baptist church to watch my friend Ben sing his first solo, Jesus Loves Me by Stellar Kart, he did awesome. And we got a great sermon on Soul Winning by his dad Pastor Dave Mason. It's just so great to see how we can work to bring the gospel to the unsaved and he challenged us to witness to 24 people in 14 weeks. I hope to meet the challenge.
Then I was able to get through my schoolwork this week and make it into work on Tuesday and Thursday. Wednesday I was supposed to meet with a doctor from Franklin Square, Dr. George Elias, he takes a biopsy of your tumor and tries to make a vaccine from it. However, after reviewing my records he canceled my appointment just before I was supposed to arrive since he was unaware that the cancer had spread to my brain and he could not help me. So instead I decided to take the action and go to a legit health food store to start a strict vitamin and health food diet. I have also made an appointment with a M.D. that works as a nutritional doctor and with your existing oncologist. So one cancellation led to a different path, again, God works in mysterious ways. Friday night I went to the movies with Meg and we were to have a great night together. Saturday was also awesome, we gave Meg's mom her birthday present, a digital picture frame with some photo's pre-loaded, then we went to Cracker Barrel for lunch.
I have never felt more alive and it's all because of Jesus and his compassionate love that he shows towards us. Facing death has brought me closer to life and I'm ready for more. I'm going to Chincoteague, VA this coming weekend, Renaissance Festival the following weekend, and Medieval Times on Halloween for my birthday. So much to do for the rest of this month, I'm back to work as much as I can be, and I'm getting hired by SGT Inc. If you don't believe in a God please Facebook me, I would love to present the Gospel to you. Jesus loves you.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Update on life...

Welcome Back!
So today I made it back to work, after about two months of being at home I was finally able to see my coworkers, catch up on what's been going on, get some work done. It was great. And today I have just felt so blessed about everything, last night at church Matt Drell gave a message that just spoke to my heart and just totally made me see the positives in my life, that even when my doctors are telling me that I have months to live I know that they're wrong. God hasn't given me these crazy trials in my life so that I can die next year. I'm not here just to live to be a 23 year old. I'm meant to plant the message of Jesus to thousands upon thousands of people and profess my faith to the people that I meet. I'm so ready to help make a drastic change in this world and God is using cancer to do it for me. So be it. I'm up for the challenge. If one life gets saved from this it's worth all the pain and suffering that I face. And most importantly I'm hoping that my mother, father, and brother gain that from this as well. They all believe in Jesus but I want them to truly see that they have no reasons to worry about me. No fear needs to be had if I do die before they do because the life after planet earth is sweet and victorious, but it can only be gained through Jesus Christ (John 3:16).
I want everyone to know that I have been living out so much the past few weeks as well. This past Friday my girlfriend, Megan, and I went to three local museums here in Baltimore. First we went to the Contemporary Museum, which I had never heard of, to see an exhibit that they were doing on Fax machines. We actually found it to be rather cool and learned that the fax machine was actually invented in the late 1890's. Cool stuff. Next we made our way over to the Walter's Art Gallery where we saw their Miniatures exhibit as well as the mummies and such. And then after Walter's we were able to catch the last hour of the Maryland Heritage Museum which is something that neither one of us had ever done. It was a very cool museum with history dating back to our states roots. I would definitely check it out if you get the chance.
My friends and girlfriend bought me a flight on a 1945 WWII Bi-plane ride back in April to celebrate Megan and I's anniversary and to say that I'm going to kick cancers butt. I was finally able to do that this past Saturday and I have to say that that has been the coolest thing I have ever done. I was able to fly over Havre De Grace and the Pilot even let me fly the plane. It was by far the coolest present anyone has ever given me.
Sunday I was able to go to the Ravens game and go down to the field before the game to watch the players warm up. Again, another cool thing to do, to be on the field before the game and then sit in a suite with all you can eat food. My church has continued to bless me with a love offering as I work on getting back to work to help pay my bills. There are so many things to be grateful for when one could look at the world with gloom and doom. And this is why I have started this blog. I want everyone to know that things don't need to change. I have been having a great time these past few weeks with Meg, I've been able to do so much with my time off and I've also been able to get a better perspective on life as well.
As you can see I've been keeping quite busy ad I've got the rest of my month planned out as well. Since I can't drive right now I'm limited to getting to work on a regular basis until I find a carpool to Goddard or figure out the best way to take the train down to work. But I'm ready and I'm finishing up my last incomplete with school as of tomorrow so that I can get hired by my new company hopefully. I'll be living out the dream that has taken me these past five years to earn. Totally worth the wait however.
Thanks for reading, I know I'm long winded, but when you feel this good about it all you would be too. Have a great day!